Right Now, She's Still My Childhood Friend's Sister. 4.51

Right Now, She's Still My Childhood Friend's Sister.

Chapter 9

2.4M May 21,2023 - 00:18 AM Koh Suzukure, Kazepana

Touki Futahara is the younger sister of Iori Fuyutsuki's childhood friend and an incoming student at their high school. She's a self-proclaimed little devil and "the girl most envied by seniors." Now she's waiting at Touki's door every morning."Senpai! Give me your hand! Let's hold hands to stay warm!"But Iori knows that Touki's actually more like a shy puppy who blushes at the slightest touch. All the bold teasing is just an act, and she's feeling nervous inside.
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According To The Hero Who Returned From Another World 4.41

According To The Hero Who Returned From Another World

Vol.1 Chapter 4: After School

564.3K Jan 25,2024 - 18:37 PM Koh Suzukure

Kurosu Daiki is an ordinary high school student. He worries about his test results and deals with his cute but overbearing little sister, but he's not entirely dissatisfied with his peaceful everyday life. However, Daiki feels a sense of discomfort with such a routine life. One day, he meets a girl on a street corner who appears with a sudden intense palpitation. She is a witch living in the present world...! The long-awaited comic serialization of the modern occult novel "Irinoku," which won the Kakuyomu Contest, has started!(Source: ComicNewtype, translated)
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